
Thursday, February 25, 2010

Where thou is our faith, if even the faith of a ‘pet dog’?

smh* Permanent Temp...Jesus u no easy u kno, I’m standing in awe of you even more ♥
The other day my mind drifted thinking lawd Jesus how it ago work afta this contract up, a how it ago go? Then a gentle voice wah mek mi feel soo sooo shame reminded me how He provided the last time in a timely manner. I felt so ashamed it’s not funny.
I think it was two days before the end of that second of four contracts thus far that I got a call to start working in office the next Monday. Imagine God...And He is still doing it and I am now on the 4th contract.
Jesus, help us to forever keep our minds on you. If we confess your omnipotence and omniscience why then do we doubt that you will come through for us? That ole devil maybe? He fills our heads deceitfully with these lies upon lies, and our flesh being gullible accepts at times.
But where thou is our faith, if even the faith of a ‘pet dog’, hoping he will get but even the crumbs from his master’s table? Look at the birds and fishes how they toil not. If God has provided for them why then wouldn’t He provide for us, His most precious creation? Jesus, help us to take therefore no thought for the morrow; it’s a disease I tell you.
But lets not fool ourselves into blaming flesh either. Well I speak for myself, but how dare me, after the million and one times that Jesus has come through for me, even in situations that I knew not of but yet He delivered me, and still I find room to doubt? I shud put up a sign, ‘no room available’. There is no room for doubt or lack of faith available in this place with my Lord. For truly… ♫♪ My life is not my own, to you I belong ♪♫…