
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

a New Day :)

<Borrowed from the net>

Have a great day everyone! :) Seize the day!

Terese aRobin

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Just Smile

The only words I have for you today are: just smile

Life is hard, I know. Some things aren't right, believe me, I know. Some days all I can do is smile. Immense myself in the company of those I love, and just smile.

In spite of what is happening, somebody deserves your smile. In fact, according to the path God has for you today, someone is in waiting to be blessed by your smile, little did you know. To you, you're just heading to the bank; but to someone else, you are the chap/or young lady whose smile brightened their day!

Just smile. Maybe eventually the other person's smile will make your heart smile, until your smile grows wider and wider.

It is a simple gesture, yet powerful in its own right.

Just smile.

Try it. Let me know if you regret it. ♥


Monday, February 25, 2013

Popularity Votes

Today I share a quote from my wise husband.

We are presently in the midst of decision-making, which has caused quite a bit of stir around us. One evening, as we had a heart-to heart discussion about the varied reactions, he looked at me and said "The will of God is not always popular, but it is always right."

Sometimes too often the world develops pre-conceived notions of what ought to happen. Other times people just jump on to a particular bandwagon. In both instances, leaving little, if any, room to hear from the Lord His will concerning the situation or decision at hand. But the good book says that we should not lean on our own understanding, including those popularity votes. In all things we should go with the leading of the Lord.

I smiled at the Lord in my lord. I thought how fitting for our present situation, and how complementary to my last post. Its no wonder he's my husband; he completes me. :)

~all credits belong to my beloved hussy, my love, my dove. :) ♥~

Friday, February 22, 2013

a World of Ideals

That moment when you go "*sigh* if only things were different!!! If only I had more money, got a promotion, a different job, a different background, different car, different family structure, graduated earlier, different this, different that...Then maybe things would be better off?!"

The world has its 'perfect ideals' of how your life ought to be. 

I have learnt, however, that the world's ideal life is not necessarily parallel to God's custom-fit life He has designed for you, and only you. 

The world may paint your current situation as unfortunate, and you may be pressured to feel you are either failing or lacking. But know that: 

What God has for you and your family is for y'all, and only y'all. 
What God has blessed you with shall work for you, and only you, unto His perfect will concerning your life.

God is your strength and power: and He makes your way perfect (2 Samuels 22:33)...not slapdash, neither in any thoughtless manner, but unto PERFECT methods, paths, outcomes and purpose. 

Don't watch no face. Don't be dampened by how your life is not fitting this ideal life. Be encouraged that the perfect life God has custom-made for you is nothing compared to the ideal life the world has factory-made for you. 

Love ♥ 

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

What He Sees

Although others may see the worst in you -Jesus sees everything beautiful that you were, everything beautiful that you are, and everything beautiful that you will be, and then some...