
Thursday, March 21, 2013

Love's Learning Curve

I'm constantly, constantly, constantly learning about this marvel called L.O.V.E.

Sometimes its tempting to be soooo mad when I have been wronged. And I do sometimes, I snap. Pssh I'm not perfect; far, far, far from it. 

But little by little I'm being moulded by Christ. :)

Love is when you've been wronged, and 'deserve the right' to be upset at that person, but somewhere along the line that ole' self melts, and you choose not to. You choose to love anyhow. 

Now that's phenomenal.

Can you guys keep it together? Or do you snap like I do?


  1. At different times, I would decide to either snap or keep it together... But since mi saved and nowadays since mi married I try to remember that I do have control over my reactions and which colour I "choose" to let show up... Ha. I just remembered hearing my grandmother's voice whenever I would get rude or hiss my teeth when she would reprimand me..."Yah show up yuh dutty colours man". lol

    1. LOL LOL that was funny. Thanks for the share :)

      I like that line, its so profound: "I do have control over my reactions and which colour I "choose" to let show up". A fact that too often i ignore...

    2. so in my inbox pops up comments from lets be pals. I was like think Terese think lets be pals? racked the ole brain a lil; then it hit me! :) its u :) Love the twist with the name n PALS initials!!! totally rocks! very creative :)

      Thank u for taking the time to read my blog friend. Its greatly appreciated. I am honoured. Hopefully it will be a blessing to you.

  2. I like this. I'm learning too. I'm not married so I think I reserve the right to snap a little... *covers eyes* but I am working on it.

    1. :) *smiles* me too Jody...I'm definitely still in training too :)...No worries, I can relate.

      Thank you for taking the time to read and even comment on the blog. I'm honoured :)
