
Thursday, April 4, 2013

Wait For It

I'm loving my mom!!! :) ♥...I can actually talk to her as a sis now...It's quite unbelievable, looking at our history...We can totally relate to each other on so many things now, its not funny. 

There's this comedy-sitcom my hubby and I love to watch "How I Met Your Mother"; Barney has this phrase "Wait For It". Its funny how he uses it, but I'm realising there's much wisdom in it. 

I recall her sharing with others, the story of how she would ask me in my younger days to be her friend, and I would reply saying "No mom. You're not my friend, you're my mom :)" (lol at the things kids say :) ). That may have been disappointing for her then, if it was, but at that point perhaps we wouldn't have appreciated it as much as we do now. The connection that we now share may not have happened in the past, but for such a time as this its happening, and I love it! :)

So, peeps, let's wait for it. Some things may take a while. In fact, they may never happen, sadly.
But in the meantime let's enjoy our now...until some day we can enjoy what was once our dream, and has become our now :).

So, will you wait for it? :) 


  1. :D Love this!!! :) .. It's funny i remember hearing one of your parents sharing that 'No mom, You're not my friend, You're my mom' joke. And we would laugh over it. lol. But waiting for it .. though may seem long, here it is. This is the appointed time :)
    As I wrote this, the script came to mind, "Though it tarry wait for it"

    PS. I wonder if thats wat KJ gonna say when u wanna be his friend? hm ;)

    1. :D aww im happy to know that you LOVE it!!! :) #missionaccomplished

      U heard the story too? haha.

      Love that scrip, its so fitting; Though my change(dream) comes, wait for iT! Thank u for adding that scrip! :) awesome :)

      LOL LOL hopefully KJ doesn't...lets see :)
